Tuesday, March 14, 2017

3-D Shape Riddles

Check out some of the shape riddles that our class wrote! See if you can guess which 3-D shape answers each riddle. (A couple are still on there way!)

My shape has one face and one vertex. What is my shape? -Lily
My shape has 6 sides and it has 8 corners. What is my shape? -Luke
This shape cannot roll on it's bottom. It has no straight edges. -Ben
My shape has 8 vertices. My shape's lines never touch because they're parallel. The faces are rectangles. -Eli
My shape has 8 vertices. All faces are squares. What is my shape? - Joseph
My shape has 8 vertices. My shape has square faces. What is my shape? -Emma
My shape has 8 vertices. My shape has square faces. What is my shape? -Morgan
My shape has 6 faces and it cannot role. What is my shape? -Seona
My shape has 6 faces. My shape has triangle faces and rectangle faces. What is my shape? -Maia
My shape has 6 faces. My shape has 8 vertices. What is my shape? -Ethan
My shape has 6 faces. It has rectangular faces. -Leighton

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ms. Bayard
    I see alot of cubes and rectangular cuboids but I am stumped on Lily's. A cone has 2 faces and 1 vertex.
